The Trim the Wick community brings together people who want to allow God to trim away the things in their lives that hold them back, who want to be full of the power of the Holy Spirit, & want to live with the fire of God working in their everyday – their marriages, families, workplaces, churches, and communities. Through Biblical teaching & living in the Holy Spirit, honest conversation, and sharing of resources, we are working to build the Kingdom of God from concept to a living reality.
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Dr. Livingstone I presume.

Growing up on a diet of bugs bunny I had heard the name but never knew that Dr. Livingstone was a real person. To my surprise while walking through Westminster Abby in London I saw his headstone. Here is a man who's mission in life was to share the Gospel of Jesus with people who had never heard in the deep of Africa. He was immortalized in pop culture and is laid to rest next to Isaac Newton, and the Kings and Queens of England. Makes me think when you follow Jesus and serve Him there is nothing that is impossible.

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Kenya: No Money? No Contacts? No Problem.

In this week's episode of the Trim the Wick, Dan and Becky take us on an incredible journey of faith, family, and international ministry. They share their experiences of saying "yes" to God's calling, which led them to preach in Kenya, connect with pastors, and witness the transformative power of faith in the slums of Nairobi and the villages of western Kenya. Tune in to hear how their family came together to support their mission, the challenges they faced, and the miraculous ways God provided for their trip. This episode is a testament to the power of obedience and the global reach of technology in spreading the gospel.

Episode Transcripts: Kenya: No Money, No Contacts, No Problem

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September 18, 2024
Growing Pains: Seeking First the Kingdom When the Cares of Life are Loud

In this episode of the Trim the Wick podcast, Dan and Becky delve into the challenges and growth that come with stepping out in faith. They share personal stories of trusting God through uncertain times, moving forward in their spiritual journey, and the importance of not becoming stagnant in one’s faith.

Tune in to hear about their experiences with financial uncertainty, the lessons they’ve learned, and the books that have inspired them along the way.

(00:00) Introduction
(02:00) Life's Unexpected Changes
(10:15) The Importance of Moving Forward
(20:45) Trusting God in Uncertainty
(30:30) The Book That Inspired Us
(40:00) Encouragement and Resources

Books that have helped us and continue to help us move forward:
Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin's Path to God by Brennan Manning
Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris
Love Does by Bob Goff

Growing Pains: Seeking First the Kingdom When the Cares of Life are Loud
September 10, 2024
The Person of Holy Spirit: Signs and Wonders

In this episode of the Trim the Wick podcast, Dan and Becky continue their series on the person of the Holy Spirit.

They share personal stories and insights about how the Holy Spirit works in the natural world, performing miraculous signs and healings. From breaking fevers to restoring hearing, they discuss the awe-inspiring power of the Holy Spirit and the importance of faith.

Tune in to hear about their transformative experiences and the lessons they've learned about trusting in the Holy Spirit.

The Person of Holy Spirit: Signs and Wonders
September 03, 2024
The Person of Holy Spirit: One Body One Spirit

In this episode of the Trim the Wick podcast, Dan and Becky share their transformative experiences from mission trips, focusing on the vital role of the Holy Spirit.

They discuss how stepping out of their comfort zones in places like Kenya has deepened their reliance on God and strengthened their faith.

Tune in to hear amazing stories of divine intervention, the power of prayer, and the joy that comes from trusting the Holy Spirit, even in the most challenging circumstances.

The Person of Holy Spirit: One Body One Spirit
Shining the Light in Darkness!

On our last trip to Kenya Becky and I were blessed to walk the Slums of Nairobi some of the darkest places in Kenya. A place where drugs, violence and prostitution rules the streets, but not for long. This was such a life changing time. We were invited in home after home to pray over the homes and the people. There was such a joy and hope in the people that we prayed with. We know that the light of Christ shines through us, and everywhere we go, we shine that light.

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Of Rock Fish and Fishing Rods; Of Little Girls and Daddies

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do with my dad was fishing. It helped that we frequently went to my favorite library in the same trip (I’m a born bookworm – slash – mermaid, so a library that sits on the banks of a river? No better place on earth.)

The area of town that we lived in was called Eau Gallie – “Rocky Water.” Our river’s edge was piled with jagged rocks that I loved to use as steppingstones, precariously balancing and occasionally “accidentally” winding up in the water.

One memorable day, Dad and I, along with my mom and brother, went out along the riverside to fish. I was maybe six or seven years old; young enough that I needed help baiting my hook but old enough to be left holding the fishing pole independently.

There I sat, only half expecting anything to take the bait. My joy was in sitting at the water’s edge, listening to the swoosh

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When Things Become Too Much for You

The news calls out “Look over here!”

Social media demands “Hey! Something new happened in the last 10 minutes!”

People I WANT to pay attention to call. Text. Email. Speak in the same room. Cross my mind.

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I Need a Vacation!

I know that in Jesus we have an Advocate before the Father who understands and sympathizes with us. I’ve taken comfort in that truth many times; that my circumstances are ones that He understands fully because he walked in a physical body among humanity as well.

Today, as I read Matthew 14, I found a new facet of that. This passage is usually used to focus on the miracles of the feeding of the 5,000, Peter walking on water, and many being healed. Often, as we are prone to do, we read it looking for his acts rather than his person. Today, though, from a place of physical, spiritual, and emotional exhaustion, I read this passage again.

I found that Jesus was exhausted, too.

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